The activities indicator has landed 🚀
Thanks to @verdre for the prototype extension, Georges for implementing it in a clean way, and @fmuellner for timely reviews!
A bit of history, as a curiosity: We've long wanted to replace the Activities button with something nicer, but finding a good replacement proved difficult given the constraints (e.g. needs wide enough to be clickable and generic enough to stand for searching, switching, launching, etc).
This old issue has a bunch of random ideas for alternatives:
A few months ago I stumbled across this extension (, which sparked the idea of having a dynamic indicator rather than just a static icon.
We used the extension it for some very hacky experiments, e.g. this from @cassidy:
This seemed promising enough that @verdre built a proper extension for it, which implements the exact visuals and behavior we wanted (though still very hacky code-wise).
This is what we showed off during the design state of the union talk at GUADEC:
@tbernard The fact that an abstract symbol still encourages users to treat it like a menu for the OS is a stunning and amazing find.