TikTok: Look! I discovered hot water melts frozen food faster!
Twitter: Look at this TikTok video showing how to defrost your food faster!
Yahoo news: Millions of Twitter users view TikTok video showing new life hack for melting frozen food!
Mastodon: Please read my academic white paper describing the impacts of public school system underfunding
"If the recent Twitter debacle has taught us anything it is that platforms aren’t stable. Tying your online identity to a corporate-owned website is fine for a while but in the very long run anything posted there is, ultimately, ephemeral....The only thing we can really rely on on the web is the web itself.
It is ubiquitous enough to be mostly decentralized, has backward-compatible standards that are mostly agreed-upon, and is mostly resilient to attack..."
Woo! Finally go #Wordpress to work on #NGINX by adding the below to the server block config! server {
if (!-e $request_filename) {
rewrite ^.*$ /index.php last;
Outlook for free on Mac is pretty nice! https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/outlook-blog/outlook-mac-for-all/ba-p/3757787 They should do that with the x86 Windows Outlook too... the Outlook PWA Microsoft is working on is terrible.
https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys by @doctorow reminds me of my https://pocketnow.com/stop-being-naive-when-it-comes-to-things-like-whatsapp-telegram-signal-etc/ article. I wish I knew the "enshittification" word back then. :D
Get your $$$ from @ATT’s unlawful throttling of unlimited data plans
RT @linakhanFTC
Due to @FTC's enforcement action, @ATT must refund customers for unlawfully reducing data speeds for those with unlimited data plans.
Former AT&T customers can check if they're eligible for a refund and file a claim by May 18: https://secure.attdatathrottling.com/
Hasan Minhaj deactivated his Twitter account on air during Wednesday night’s “Daily Show.”
Worth watching if only for the moment when he calls Madtodon the “Canada of Twitter” 😆
Warning: lifehack only for those who do not leave the terminal.
Enter in the terminal:
curl wttr.in
curl wttr.in/brno
and you are saved. :)
Author: https://twitter.com/igor_chubin
Designer & web developer since the mid 1990's starting on the DEC intranet. User experience consultant since 1998. Photographer since 1995. Tech journalist since 2002.
DMs don't work, so don't bother.