#mastoadmin #Mastodon

Like mastodon.social, I had suspended (blocked) bird.makeup because mastodon.social did. When I created the server it seemed a safe idea to match their server blocks.

But I have since unblocked bird.makeup by request.

It is a Twitter to ActivityPub bridge. It works. I follow emptywheel at bird.makeup and I, surprisingly, see her posts from Twitter.

Does anyone know how bird.makeup is bridging Twitter posts to ActivityPub given that the Twitter API was essentially shut down? How are they doing this? I can't find any technical information at their website. What's the secret sauce?

I had the same thought. Aside from just throwing money at the API it seems like it would be really difficult to pull tweets. The creator @vincent has not put the code in their git nor shared technical details. Probably a good idea since it would quickly get patched out or locked down (in my opinion). but yeah! it works and its neat!

@ThaMunsta @admin Just to correct a thing: all the code is 100% open-source, and everything is there, but it's true I haven't done a walk-through of how it works exactly

@vincent @admin
Oh sorry ya look at that it's right there at the bottom 😂 I got hung up on your github haha thanks for clearing that up 👍

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