So I have found ~50% of the new calls I need to make to make reliable again. I am still somewhat expecting Twitter to roll back the changes they made, but if they do not I’ll start implementing that this week

More specifically I have:

- A new way to read specific tweet
- A new way to pull a profile if they have been followed before

Still missing:
- A way to convert handles to numeric ID
- An alternative way to pull a user timeline

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Re: converting handle

I’m thinking either I could index them as new users get retweeted (from another api call). Overtime it will become somewhat reliable, but not for niche accounts.

Or I can use actual Twitter accounts to crawl those in an async way after a follow

Re: alternate ways of getting timelines

This is a critical call to make work. That’s how I get new tweets to forward to fediverse instances.

If I don’t find another public api call that’s still open to do that, I’ll have to pull out the big guns and use actual Twitter accounts to do the indexing.

I’ll probably do something where people can gift their old accounts to the project via the web UI.

Tbh I was expecting to have to do something like that much sooner

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Another way you can really help is finding any open source projects that integrates with any parts of Twitter that still work and send those to me. I’ll reverse engineer them and get new ways to crawl Twitter

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@vincent I've been looking and that's how I found your project, but nothing else that works atm

@vincent I guess you're aware of it - the RIP nitter issue entry is at 330 comments and counting, it contains a lot of approaches. It also looks at -

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