Can we now switch to IPv6? Pwetty pwease ☺️
There is now a literal waitlist for IPv4 addresses. And no jumping the line
RIPE approves new policy that shouldn't really exist
@terryenglish I get a /60 prefix from Comcast and run both IPv4 & 6 on my home network. It bums me out to see so many comments on that article bemoaning lack of backward compatibility when this “dual-stack” approach works well without the added complexity of NATing between the protocols. Since IPv4 “just works” at first glance I think it’s left a lot of people in the dark on how to transition or even why they should bother in the first place
@fireglow @terryenglish I use a ULA prefix in addition to the /60 Comcast delegated (via DHCP-PD) so that way my local DNS can point to these addresses rather than (the potentially changing) Comcast prefix: That address beginning with "fdc5:" is it, it's not routable across the internets sadly but it at least remains the same if Comcast delegates me a new prefix so my local DNS records will still work. Another benefit to IPv6: you can have multiple IPs!
Another benefit to IPv6: you can have multiple IPs!
Same with IPv4 they're just scare so you usually only get a /32 but you can get larger subnets. I don't really see how :cute_sup_niggy: