@dansup how to delete loops account pls? I can't watch anything without an app and I don't have a smartphone.

@prahou is it possible to learn the power of not having a smartphone

@ozzelot yes, become a niche content creator living off sticker sales

@prahou it seems to be a more moral alternative than slaving for a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of a subsidiary of Matacorp.


@prahou @ozzelot @nina_kali_nina
If cypherpunks exist, does cypherbullying?
Like… Refusing to accept invites to unencrypted Matrix chatrooms? Requesting key exchange algorithms that sshd does not support? 🤔

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