Passwords: Never reuse passwords!! That's not secure!

Security questions: You must reuse these 3 questions on every single site, the answers to which were matters of public record in the first place.


FWIW, the answers are (usually) whatever you want them to be.

My "answers" to security questions are just more auto-generated passwords.


@ErictheCerise @ben
But then you have to write them down which is also a bad security practice 😏


No, you don't.

Password Manager.

I recommend KeePassXC, but there are several good ones.


So not only writing them down, but keeping them in the same place where you store your other passwords? That is an excellent idea! 😂
If your password manager ever gets compromised (which doesn't happen often, but there is still a non-zero possibility), at least the perpetrator might not know your pet's name — but with this you're leaving them no such option.


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