Bought a used #ThinkCentre on fleabay today.

Thinking of trying out #FreeBSD on it as a daily driver. ;)

On second thought, I don't think I can run #KerbalSpaceProgram on it. I'm wondering how good the Linux "emulation" is. Hrmmm, maybe #OpenSuSE instead (sorry #BSD brethren!) :BlobCatBlush:


Well, I want to try something that updates more frequently than every other year, but not rolling-release, unless it's inherently stable. That keeps me away from Arch derivatives (sorry BTW guys, two b0rked grub+LUKS installs was enough for me) and leaves me with #Fedora (semi-annual), #Solus, and #OpenSuSE #Tumbleweed, to my knowledge.

Also, OpenSUSE focuses a lot on KDE, which is what I want to run on my new desktop.

@rl_dane @amin You might also want to take a look at OpenSuse Slowroll then. It's meant to be like Tumbleweed, yet even a little bit more stable, with waves of updates every 2 to 3 weeks.

It's in beta right now, however cross-updating your distro from Tumbleweed to Slowroll is fully supported if you want to go for it later.

@rl_dane @Natanox

Void Linux is also an option, it's rolling but I believe more stable than Arch or NixOS. Though it's been a while since I last used it, I can't remember for sure.

@amin @rl_dane Last time I checked too many of their packages were outdated due to too few volunteers maintaining them, some even known for security vulnerabilities by that point. 🫥 I also question how much sense it makes to avoid systemd.


@rl_dane @Natanox @amin
It also effects battery life quite noticeably — I get amazing battery life even with computers that are more than a decade old, maybe avoiding systemd only contributes a part of it, Void allows me to have a more minimal system overall: I can do "ps ax" and tell you what each of these processes does at nearly any time, unlike with systemd-based distros where something always keeps happening in the background.

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