Please also note that no amount of greenwashing can erase the climate and environmental impact of mining and processing of these minerals with zero regard for environment only because the happy PV investors in EU pretend they don’t see how it’s being done 🤷

Either your objective is decarbonisation and environmental protection, or your goal is investment bank KPI such as “increased share of renewables”, in which case it will be delivered at any cost. But you can’t do both.

The new, low-emission energy sources can be either manufactured in a sustainable way, that is in EU, US or other countries that stick to high environmental standards, or they are not sustainable. That’s very simple.

Manufacturing PV in China with the use of forced labour and electricity from coal is literally the textbook definition of “not sustainable”. Continued global temperature anomaly growth in spite of EU countries going for incredible sacrifices in terms of energy prices is the price we’re paying for this hypocrisy, because CO2 emitted in China doesn’t magically disappear just because an EU “environmentalist” doesn’t see it.

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People in China: I need a gas mask to breathe… 😷
EU policymakers: Going green, ya-ay! 🤩

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