> Moscow where there are no anonymous open wifi networks
True. At least it's illegal to allow people to use your open network without making them undergo identification (linking them to a phone number).
It's also illegal to have a SIM-card not tied to your real identity — but it doesn't mean you can't buy one 😏
I don't consider using a non-anonymous connection such a big problem — you can always hide yourself behind a chain of proxies.


I usually just SSH/VPN home where I have an always-on VPN connection to one of Proton Secure Core nodes, the entry and exit IP-addresses of these are in different countries, e.g. my home VPN box is connected to a server in Switzerland, but I would be browsing from Poland — this makes tracing it back to the device I'm on nearly impossible, but yeah — this involves jumping through extra hoops.

And yes, likewise I'd still advise against using Signal or anything relying on phone number as primary means of identification — unless you are using an anonymous SIM-card and an actual burner phone — the one you've never used with a SIM-card that could be traced back to your real identity.

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