Someone drop a Linux or degoogleable Android phone the size of an iPhone SE (2020) or smaller and you have my attention.

(to be fair the pixel 3a is approximately that)

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Yeah, I get why a lot of people go for Google hardware — the bootloader is easily unlockable and you are free to do whatever you want with software. But to me this line of thinking is like "Stop enabling Google to exploit you for profit — pay the ransom directly instead" 🤷
It might seem like a good first step and better than nothing, but in the long run it's a dead end IMO.
We need to distance ourselves from Android entirely…


It's an ambitious goal, no one succeeded delivering such an end-user device yet, but at least for tech-savvy people PostmarketOS seems almost there. The further we delay prioritising this, the more we get locked into Android — just a few years ago banks still weren't expecting you to possess a device either with Android or iOS, but nowadays it has already become problematic.

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