That would actually be of substance, but Musk — he does controversial shit all the time and every time people are buying it! Okay, every paper in EU and every progressive one in US came out with him on the front page and "NAZI" written in red font, size 72 — what's next?
I'm perfectly fine with people venting, but some do it as if it's something very important. Discussing this and not nearly two hundred executive actions rolled out on the same day — that is just silly!😩
Yeah true, it's probably way easier to tell what's of essence and what's a distraction from the sidelines — you just don't get emotional when you have no skin in the game.
And yet, when you see THAT photo for the n-th time… "Guys are you serious?! Even I have skimmed through some of those executive orders… Elon Musk! Oh, come on!" 😂
@m0xee Everyone probably just reposted it once but there’s lots of people and every single person has his/her moment of rage. Hell, I did repost it when it happened. It’s just so hard to not do exactly what they want and spread it .
Especially when the right thing does not happen: in a normal country this guy would have been ejected from the team immediately with excuses. And it would probably be the case if it was some lunatic assistant and not the richest man on earth.
@m0xee We had this continuously in Brazil during Bolsonaro years. 5 absurd (but rather inconsequential) actions per week to keep you in permanent panic while they slowly remove all social protections and privatize all public goods@for the price of a banana.
It is exhausting, intentionally. And it’s hard to resist the temptation to react. A guy comes and pees on your cat on live TV and you have to remain calm and focus on the actual things they are doing in the back like taxes etc.