@theorytoe@ak.kyaruc.moe I know one that hates C and has written a parallel garbage collector in it
@iska @theorytoe
I might not agree with the criticism in the linked article, but describing the one who created D programming language, a C++ compiler and a C compiler before that as "someone who rarely has primary experience writing C" just feels wrong!
The guy's no rookie — that's for sure, he's a skilled compiler developer and even designed his own language, he speaks from experience… It's just that he just has a vastly different vision of what a compiler should do, like if it's computable at compile time, the compiler should just do that — I don't share this approach either. If I did it that way instead of defining a macro — this is what I want, the compiler should not make choices for me 🤷
A-ah, don't worry! It's by pure chance that I know what Digital Mars is so I could guess who's the author.
Experienced people might hold opinions that do now make any sense to you (and often do 🤭), it's not one-dimensional — that's the beauty of it!