I'm thinking of deleting my Deviant Art account, but I'm not sure its recovery email account still exists 😂
I've lost one of my very old email accounts on Yandex when they introduced app passwords last year, and I couldn't get in via web interface to generate one — obviously I didn't use my real identity so I could not answer any questions.
And I have deleted my Gmail account myself, they kept insisting on having my phone number so I couldn't get in 9 times out of 10. Funny enough, they didn't let me download the archive without giving them phone number, but let me delete the account 🤦
@m0xee I finally bought a domain and email from NameCheap (not even gunna try to DIY email I’m a pleeb) but my hotmail still gets used more for day-to-day stuff as a spam-hole.
Outlook did some shit to auth so now my work mac mail client can’t do it… Idk I hate how they complicated logging in to try to save us from ourselves. I use a password manager so I really don’t need you to email me a code or SMS or whatever.
I use ProtonMail for my domains, I was thinking of self-hosting, but I don't want to do it at home — power outages and email servers aren't best friends 😅
And paying for VPS turned out more expensive, and I need Proton's VPN anyway.
If you want Outlook/Hotmail without OAuth2, check this out: https://github.com/simonrob/email-oauth2-proxy
I couldn't get SMTP to work, but IMAP access works fine.
Well, no big deal — I've used fetchmail to download it all.
And I still have my Outlook account. They don't make it easy to use it, now they have introduced that OAuth2 shit, but there are still ways around it. I keep it because I think I have Windows and maybe some other licenses on it.