Things that we've lost in web browsers: an encoding picker. This used to be a super-important thing for anyone who wanted to browse non-English Internets. It still is important sometimes to browse historic local websites through - imagine finding a jis7 website, and your browser can only UTF and sjis at best T_T That's us, today.
@nina_kali_nina Wow, I used to have to change it manually all the time because some folks refused to use Unicode. How would even change it now?
@Aknorals I thiiiink there is a plugin for that for Firefox. I'm not quite sure.
@gabrielesvelto @nina_kali_nina @Aknorals @hsivonen
I think there is also a button for it that you can place on the toolbar — and there is also a rather cryptic pref in about:config that is somehow not just boolean, but a string. I think that it used to affect where "Repair encoding" appeared in the hamburger menu, but what it does now is unclear to me even after reading relevant Bugzilla tickets 😅