Does it come with a dedicated IPv4 address?🤔
Maybe it's time to ditch Proton and self-host my e-mail?
@m0xee Of course. Maybe an ipv6 one too, but dedicated ipv4 for sure.
Do it alongside proton. Have two emails.
Well, given that it's your server, you'd have a possible thousands of email addresses ;-)
Yep, sure, I'm keeping my addresses on Proton domains — protonmail.ch and others, but I'm thinking of switching to self-hosting for my own ones: m0xEE.Net .Org and .Com
I'll look into Contabo, thank you!
@m0xee For the past couple of years (2 I think?), I haven't even been configuring my own postfix, for which I have *extensive* notes for each time. Instead, I've been using yunohost to do it for me and it's very painless.
Did you ever try DeltaChat — the thing that adds an IM-like interface to e-mail?
They have developed a set of scripts to help people self-host e-mail serviced compatible with it: https://github.com/deltachat/chatmail
They expect the distro of your VPS to be systemd-based so I probably won't be able to use it as is, but essentially, they are just deploying dovecot and postfix and I intend to do something similar.
@m0xee I haven't tried it - not sure who I'd have to play with frankly. The default install of debian with yunohost is dovecot/postfix/systemd. It's just a script you use on a new box. Then it whinges until you get all your dns/dkim ducks in a row, which is nice. Takes less than about 45 minutes to have a click and drool secured server.
Sounds nice! I'll check it out too — thanks again!
@m0xee You're welcome! Did you work today? We have snow now - just in time for harvest, which just makes the trees heavy to drag and difficult to bundle. I'll be starting in an hour or so. It's still morning my time.
Nah! I'm currently unemployed and living in the city I don't have to go out much — unless I do it on my own volition. It's only raining here — it did snow a couple of times, but it fails to stick yet. This type of weather: neither raining, nor snowing, nor clear — botches my sleep schedule and I'm in this permanent state of half-asleep half-awake — not great, but I'll be fine.
Good luck with your routine!
Yeah, I totally like your approach — computers are fun, but once you start doing that all day everyday, eventually you start hating it — at least that's how I usually ended up with: having a good job and making good money, but burning out — and taking to take an extensive break, which I could afford. It's fun, but I don't think this can go on indefinitely.
Being able to work outdoors, doing physical work, is good — but it's hard to maintain proper balance once you get a desk job.
@m0xee I only ever had my own desk for a desk job. I had 30-odd websites. But also 30-something local IT clients. And hardware service calls installing and repairing all business machines, photocopiers etc., bank machines, cable modems, debit machines, alarms, phones, cameras... whatever. I'm a tech slut! :-)
I don't need more antennae masts or pulling wire really. I have enough exercise these days. I think I need to get back to devops. I don't know really... I'm old! I used to repair every kind of typewriter and did board repairs on dictaphones ffs :-)
I need to think, because I might need to work from Wales as well as canada.
It seems that we both face choices about which country we will work in.