The only thing that irked me about Go is having to describe all the JSON data structures beforehand — to be able to parse them. Maybe there is a way around it or tools that facilitate this, but I didn't find it. Rust's serde_json for example doesn't make you do any of this.
But when you compare it to dynamically-typed languages' "true=false" type of situations, I think I'm fine even with this 🤣
@kirby @romin
No, it's fine. I mean, of course it's recommended against — of course it's best to define the structures than to not define them — so if you feed it some weird input instead of what you expect, you'd realise it sooner than later.
I've never tried it, probably should work — why should it not, having reflection, it's trivial to implement.
In any case, I think I'm done with Go — I really like the language, but I don't like the direction it's heading under this governance.
@kirby @romin
They are deprecating old architectures just like that! Look at this for example: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/19074
It's literally:
— But PowerMac G5 is the most widely available ppc64 hardware, we can't deprecate that!
— Tehe, just ask IBM for newer hardware 😘
This isn't user's perspective, this is corporation's perspective — they don't give two fucks about the users.
Rust having much less resources has PowerPC support, community-driven Zig and Nim do, albeit a bit buggy. Go does not!
@kirby @romin
And Python is turning into the same kind of shite BTW: new ways to do old things, deprecating things in one release, and not deprecating that again in the newer one, which is only month apart.
Same architecture support shenanigans, look at this: https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-committers@python.org/thread/K757345KX6W5ZLTWYBUXOXQTJJTL7GW5/
"OMG, my machine broke, so we're lowering the architecture to Tier 3"
Python used to work everywhere, soon they will end up with Darwin on Apple silly cone, and x86_64 on Windows in Linux GLibC.
@kirby @romin
Nah, but I don't think we should be playing along with this "move fast and break things" and in the long run, I think it doesn't seem to work.
It was bad enough with libraries, but with programming languages it's just sickening, but ultimately it depends on governance — Go was prone to this from the get go (a pun, hehe), Python fell the victim of being used everywhere, little by little they have transitioned into catering to this crowd without even realising it.