New Thunderbird, among other things that I'm not looking forward to β€” like the revamped UI, is based on the latest Firefox ESR β€” yep, that one.
Does this mean that it also performs the privacy-preserving (😏) ad measurement?
Oh, yes and comes with non-optional WebPee support! Why does everything have to be so broken?
And then they are wondering why people are, to put it mildly, not eager to install the updates 😩

I do, but fetchmail doesn't make it easy to use it on multiple machines β€” IMAP support in mutt is so-so and always working with e-mail over ssh just isn't comfy.
And sometimes I do want a client with a GUI β€” so I can e.g. put images into message's text, but so that it's not web mail β€” I refuse to touch that shit, they might break Thunderbird further, but it would still remain better than web client ever would be πŸ˜…

@m0xee @romin I need to setup multi user mutt, yet to do it. I have my own webmail setup though.

I wanted to set up some web mail frontend at some point β€” so I could access e-mail from my old Lumia phone, but most of them use PHP and unlike with things that just provide you with and endpoint you have to point nginx to, rely on CGI and as it's supposed to be accessible from the outside, you have to worry about not making things that aren't supposed to be β€” accessible via nginx. I've always been staying away from PHP and I'm reluctant to touch it now TBH πŸ€”


Β· Web Β· 2 Β· 0 Β· 0

I also expect making it work with ProtonMail to be tricky as I suspect that ProtonMail Brigde, and especially hydroxide, don't really comply with IMAP spec too well.


@m0xee @romin php is fine, apache makes it quite easy to use to. (
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