This is probably the best clue to who is organising this iteration of the #Poland border blockade - Piotr Panasiuk is one of the most vicious anti-Ukrainian and pro-Russian activists in Poland, he’s literally quoting Putin on daily basis on his social media.

@kravietz perhaps. But if there's a chance that it will stop the dumping of produce that's so cheap that European farmers can't compete on the market, or that it makes them fucks in Brussels realize that they're going over the top with ridiculous regulations, who gives a fuck who's doing it? ;)


This is more complex - Poland (the government) started to enforce strict customs checks on the border to ensure compliance with the existing EU regulation. This is being done in compliance with EU-Ukraine agreement and, to be honest, should have been started long ago. The protesters however simply blocked all traffic on the border, trucks, trains, passenger buses, private cars, everything.

@kravietz well, clearly the "agreement" doesn't work for the people doing the actual farming here in the EU, especially the "no tariffs" bit, pretty sure nobody asked them to begin with, and considering that fuel and manpower make up most of the production costs and both are at least twice as expensive in the EU, the entire "agreement" is something that Brussels can shove up it's ass as far as farmers are concerned.


The problem with EC regulation initially was that it assumed that either Ukrainian companies will be 100% honest or EU borders controls will be 100% efficient. None of these came out to be even nearly true. The complexity is that due to how logistics in EU operate, EC apparently had to allow formal purchase of the produce from Ukraine by EU companies in order to be resold further to non-EU buyers, and this was precisely the part abused by EU companies who instead sold it locally. Ukrainian companies of course participated in it, because if they didn’t know where their produce is going they’d contract non-EU buyers in the first place. But this can be controlled if EU inspections, both on the border and in EU countries, do their job properly.


AFAIR you also used to be a firm believer that the concern is genuine — but it doesn't look this way anymore as some agreements were reached, but the protest doesn't seem to tone down and at this point it indeed look like it's Kremlin orchestrated 🤷



That’s correct and here I explained why I believe this iteration of the protest is no longer genuine:


@kravietz @m0xee I guess we'll see this coming spring. Farmers will only still be on the boarder with their equipment and what not only if the situation is really so bad that it just doesn't make economic sense for them to go plow their fields. We'll know soon enough.

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