
Wow, this looks like a great UI font!
Arcticons work reasonably well with Ubuntu Sans on my phone, but nothing is perfect and there is always room for improvement 😁
Default Windows font preview for some reason truncates letters like "J" and lowercase "q" β€” but no, there is no problem with them β€” in other applications they are displayed correctly.
I was just looking for an UI font to use with Sway β€” for window titles and such, I'll give this one a try, see if it works for me. Thanks! πŸ‘

Β· Web Β· 1 Β· 0 Β· 1

Erm, sorry, that screenshot was awful πŸ˜…
It's what got generated without access to HTML canvas granted

@m0xee thank you, noticed that too. I've tweaked some things now. Hopefully that fixes the issue.

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(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml