It's Wednesday, my dudes. And I have a confession to make: I'm an avid frog collector 🐸
No, not live ones — frog-shaped things.
I'm delivering on my promise to @metallcorn to share my collection. I'm too paranoid to shoot some parts of my place and I'm even more lazy to take all of them out and dust them properly so it's going to be just a low-res tease.
These are usually sitting behind glass in the wooden cabinet that even has light, but it's now littered with other small stuff an unattractive.
I think I've already posted this cool goldchain guy, but he actually has two frog neighbours where he lives, here they are.
There is more to the plushie on the left — it can sing Louis Armstrong's What a Wonderful World, but some wire inside got damaged and I stopped putting batteries in it.
I also have a lot of ceramic frog-shaped bells and whistles (literally bells and whistles 😂) — but again, I'm too lazy and paranoid to make proper photos 😅
And sure I have that frog tea set that is often featured in memes:
Most of it is damaged and stored in the farthest corner of the shelf in the kitchen, but I still have these small cups!
And of course desk lamps, I've already posted one, here it is, next to my monome showing currency exchange rates:
Looking pretty smug, wearing 3D glasses, right? 😄
I have another one, I barely use it nowadays, but here is a photo.
Some more cool stuff, first this Cirno frog — yeah, who could've come up with such a thing, but here it is:
Most people don't get what's funny about it, but those familiar with Touhou, myself included, have a good laugh.
Then this tiny guy on the photo. He's great as he has a magnet inside and these display have a magnet — this is where iSight cameras are attached. So he doesn't fall off, but my cats have noticed and started stealing him so I had to put him away.
And of course I have innumerous fridge magnets and plushies — some are used as pillows, others are just collecting dust on top of the cabinet, maybe I'll post them sometime later.
Oh! And last but not least — of course I have my Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade CDs — I think this is where my frog hobby actually came from. Digipak edition of their debut "Purple Onion" came with this nice small poster featuring (guess what?) frogs! I have never got it framed and now it looks somewhat worn so it's probably too late for that.
Афигенные жабы! Когда-нибудь ты откроешь музей жаб. Наподобие как в Зеленоградске есть музей котов. Иначе зачем прятать ? )
Ха-ха-ха-ха! Сейчас стал ходить по квартире и столько всего ещё есть — даже миниатюрная ёмкость для зубочисток с лягушкой, коврики для ванны — два! И ещё куча всякой всячины. Когда убирал обратно в шкаф те, что на столе, оказалось, что я даже стеклянные-то не все вынул, их на самом деле намного больше.
Так что когда-нибудь — да. Они получат достойную экспозицию. По крайней мере, человек может мечтать 😄
@m0xee У меня муж сестры себе отдельную комнату в квартире выделил под аквариумы, которыми он занимается уже много лет
Может и тебе пора сделать жабузей? )
Ну или как Бачило делал. Арендовал помещене и выставил там свою коллекцию )
> У меня муж сестры себе отдельную комнату в квартире выделил под аквариумы, которыми он занимается уже много лет
Это слишком взрослый подход. Мне лет уже немало, но ещё слишком «дурной» для такого. Но может и пора уже — все когда-то меняются 🤪
Some of them are fine, some are not, some came from distant parts of our planet, some were bought in a souvenir shop across the street. There are more, but it's pretty messy where they usually reside — it did look good when I just came up with the idea, now — not so much.
And yes, I have a frog painting. I have another one to be honest, but it's not easy to make a good photo of it that I'm comfortable with making now.