
Yep, that's pure fucking propaganda. If you can't see it you need better glasses.
@straw @DotardTed

With some Hollywood level cuts and edits and HD music. All tuggin on the heart strings with soldiers just "coincidentally" posing looking super clean, well fed, hairstyle perfect, groomed and relaxed, totally in a "war zone", with hi res pictures of their kiddos on expensive phones.

Some of the people are probably actors or models and that's not even their kids. It's pretty obvious.
@straw @DotardTed

Also Putin is based, fuck Joe Biden, that coke whore Zelensky and all satanist pedophiles that run the west! 😤

@rootbsd Man, I get it — being sceptical about your own gov't, but trusting KGB scum to counter that is unreasonable to say the least. He is not doing it for the good of Russian people, he's not "based", he's not doing it to preserve conservative values — this creature doesn't have any, he's just bullshitting everyone he can, supporting both far left and far right in Europe and most probably in US too.He's doing all that to stay in power — that is the only thing he cares about
@DotardTed@noagendasocialcom @straw

@m0xee @rootbsd nooo i dont like totalitarian country (western hemisphere) i like totalitarian country (eastern hemisphere) theres a difference guys the eastern guy doesnt speak my language
@m0xee @straw

Yeah I can't really draw an accurate conclusion about Putin because their is so much conflicting info out there. But it seems like he cares about his people, were here in west our leaders actually hate us and want us dead and or enslaved 🙄
@rootbsd @m0xee you are the least adult person your opinions about putin are just "welluhh us bad and uhhh he cares about his poeple or sometihng"
@straw @m0xee

> welluhh us bad

If you think the US Government/CIA/NSA/FBI, Military, etc are some force of good in the world you are beyond help,

BTW I have a timeshare in Florida I want to sell you if you're interested 😏
@rootbsd @m0xee what is a timeshare and yes the US Government, CIA, NSA, FBI, Military and others are good as long as they continue to suppress right wingers
@rootbsd @m0xee man no wonder americans hate their country if this is their architecture
@rootbsd @straw @m0xee Would you like a free ticket and room for the weekend, and we only ask you attend a short presentation.
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