USPol Response
To my dear but deeply flawed homeland: when your democratic process delivers an intellectually & morally deficient autocrat & his evil entourage... the response is not 'we need incremental change!'. No. The response to that must be massive, grassroots, fundamental structural change. It must reject, entirely, the concept of billionaires (plus a 'margin of safety'). There's no incremental way out of the very deep hole you(we)'re in.
USPol Response
@lightweight While the USA might have the most billionaires, it doesn't have the most per capita, so rejecting the concept of billionaires is an insufficient solution. Adopting more socialism seems to be the solution according to the examples of Sweden or Norway, which have a higher or similar per capita billionaire population, but much higher happiness rankings.
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USPol Response
@lwriemen interesting. 🤔