@martijnbraam Hey, I don't know if this will be helpful, but I feel like there is a bit of miscommunication going on here. I think that the mastodon community is just trying to be supportive and appreciative of developers (i.e., you), but that it is being conflated as them not caring about your project.
@martijnbraam Now I've been following your work on megapixels for quite some time now, probably over a year or so. I know that I've read about some of the stuggles you had, but even as informed as I am, I couldn't remember off the top of my head that these two options were diametrically opposed. So I suspect the poll result you got was more a reflection of people biasing their response based on what would be supportive of you (needing a break).
@martijnbraam Anyhow, I will echo the sentiment that other people shared in that if you are feeling burnt out, please take a break. We don't want developers to feel burnt out like that. That being said, I just wanted to clarify things a bit because I can certainly see how the community may look ungreatful or unsupportive based on those poll results. However, like I said, I think people responded that way specefically because they don't want you to feel burnt out.
@martijnbraam Allow me to provide an analogous example: Imagine you posted that you didn't really feel like eating pizza anymore. Then immediately followed up your post with a poll that said "dinner tonight: [option 1] pizza, [option 2] not pizza". People aren't going to want you to eat what you are getting tired of eating, they are going to say, hey pick the other option (which they arguably did).