I would love to get a #PocketCHIP but sadly they aren't being made anymore. I found an alternative but that looks to be discontinued as well. Anyone know of anything similar that's readily available?
@FiveElementNinja Check out the UConsole: https://www.clockworkpi.com/
@FiveElementNinja The only caveat is that this company seems to historically be slow at shipping things. That said, they did finally begin shipping to customers a week or two ago. I'd recommend checking out a Youtube review of the device. I pre-ordered one back in October, but am still waiting to receive it. I think orders should start going through more quickly at some point but I don't know when. I guess this just gives me more time to develop my #tic80 game before it arrives.
@leimon Thanks for the heads up. It definitely looks right up my alley. I'll check out some reviews before ordering. Cheers!