A high score attempt at #Atari8bit#PACMAN. I got 120,700. This one was attempt #20 of the night. Thankfully with #FujiNet the high score is saved and shared. Want to join in on the fun? Get a FujiNet today at fujinet.online! https://youtu.be/iiooFr1-i_I
@tschak One of these days I'm going to buy a #CommanderX16 . I've heard there has been an effort towards adding FujiNet to that device. It may take me a while, but some day I plan to join you guys there on one of those.
@leimon the initial version will be the IEC version that's already mostly working for Commodore systems.
I did try to do an i2c bring-up, and found bugs on both sides of the i2c implementation (both X16 and ESP32).