Super high tech setup to capture street-level imagery on a newly introduced rural bus route. Images are already on #mapillary, still working on #panoramax uploads. There was very little magnetic material on the bus for the magnetic foot of the setup. It worked, though. #gopromax#gopro#opendata
@BUnicycling curious to hear how the panoramax goes. Really need to start contributing to that (as long as it doesn't turn unto another Mapillary/OpenStreetCam/KartaView fiasco)
@keverets The upload was no problem at all; it's just not the best imagery, but I couldn't ask the bus driver to put the GoPro on the roof, unfortunately. There was only one road I had never been on before, and it was adventurous for a large bus like that. But at least 50% of the roads I have covered before in different angles or even 360°. I'll write a diary entry shortly, just still working on mapping the bus relation.
@keverets The upload was no problem at all; it's just not the best imagery, but I couldn't ask the bus driver to put the GoPro on the roof, unfortunately. There was only one road I had never been on before, and it was adventurous for a large bus like that. But at least 50% of the roads I have covered before in different angles or even 360°. I'll write a diary entry shortly, just still working on mapping the bus relation.