I'm back. You probably didn't miss me, but I took an unplanned month long hiatus from the world. I did not read or watch the news nor did I read any social media.
Two unrelated things worked together to cause this. I started a new position at work that has kept me pretty busy. More importantly though, I finally got my #Librem5!!!!
Getting the Librem has been a lot of fun. I just today got around to installing tootle so that I can get on Mastodon. Following, will be my thoughts on the Librem.
Yeah, same here. The couch was a new experience though.
Inshallah he does not move on to the walls.
The number of objects I have written off because of critter damage is fairly large. It is sadly part of the landscape of having creatures among us.
But I draw the line at getting a moose.