Ehkä mielummin vaatisin, että ensimmäisenä hätätilatoimena aloitettaisiin polttonesteiden sääntely.
Jos hallitus julistaa #ilmastohätätila, niin tässä pari seuraavaa tavoitetta. #elokapina Oikea ilmastohätätila
Tosissaan ilmastohätätila
Aikuisten oikeasti ilmastohätätila
Mä en todellakaan vitsaile ilmastohätätila
Kohta mä suutun ilmastohätätila
Mä olen ihan tosissani ilmastohätätila
Nyt on pakko ilmastohätätila
Nyt on aivan pakko ilmastohätätila
Nyt on siis todellakin pakko ilmastohätätila
Tuon pitäisi riittää vuoteen 2030.
I haven't heard logistic map mentioned when talking about R value and COVID-19.
I haven't heard logistic map mentioned when talking about R value and COVID-19.
it was somewhat surreal to see and hear a load of American lasses singing about being unemployed in the UK whilst being driven around by Captain Spock đ
He has never been a quitter. To leave office before his term is completed is abhorrent to every instinct in his body. But as President, he must put the interest of America first.
Nancy Jo Sales's new book 'Nothing Personal' about dating apps has mostly been confessional gonzo journalism-lite coupled with standard Dem-fem outrage, but this bit about dating apps stemming from longstanding fantasies from Pygmalion up through late 70s/early 80s sci-fi with lady sexbots is pretty great.
Exactly this. Everyone can contribute and everyone is an ambassador for their community.
RT @IanColdwater
Build things. Show your work. Give back to the community. Do this early.
"But I'm nobody yet!"
That's fine. That's how you become known as somebody
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
-- Voltaire
Using terms like "tectonic faults" sets unrealistic beauty standards to moons like Ganymede.