@ilr the problem I have with this pic is car prices hardly move over time! Except of course Honda & Toyota !!

@ilr 1990 my father wall alloted a piece of land. General cost 60/sq ft his cost 100 cause he got a corner plot. Let's look at 60 as reference. In 1990 Gold was 400/g
In 1995 plot had reached 100 & gold was 400.
1999 plot was 400 while gold was still 400.
2000 plot was 400 while gold was 550
2010 plot was 8,000 while gold was 2600-2900
2019 plot is 12,000 while gold is 3700
Which is a better investment? Ask anyone & he will pump for land. To me Land is dead for the next 25-30 years!

@TheSecularOne there is a difference between savings and investment. Unfortunately because of the housing loans mkt and rbi backing it, land is no longer a savings scheme but an investment

Savings are ideally inflation proof but zero risk and zero return. See our article

@ilr To me Gold is not even savings.... It's an accessory to wear. You want to save use a bank SB account. FD is also an investment. So are equities. So yes one needs to understand savings from investment.

@ilr I am talking of course in the Indian cont xt not as a hedge against currency. Anyways... It's fine to disagree...

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