Once we settle down with low or minimal trolls, I want to have serious crowd sourcing ideas on how to defeat the fascist fucks #India

@Deepsealioness Its not going to be easy. You better identify the decent accounts in the next 2 days. The bhakts are coming 🔜 😢

Actually, who r coming ?

Bhakts mean Hindu devotee ?

@pavi @Deepsealioness

@noorul @pavi

Hindutva bigots or BJP supporters , they are our RW nazi who call for genocide in bird app and get blue ticks for it

But they already here way long ago.

There is whole instance called inditoot.com

It's like this instance but for right wing and pro hindu.

The admin even find the developers because when there was incident for blocking "free speech" (abuse)

@Deepsealioness @pavi

@noorul @pavi

They can’t live without trolling us and that’s why they will follow us here. Their hate & calls of genocide is to incite us and we are not there so they are mad

@Deepsealioness @noorul @pavi as long as you can block them how does it matter .. i get that tw started banning liberals but otherwise just block and move on let them wallow in their own filth

@ilr @noorul @pavi hate speech if you don’t see doesn’t mean it doesn’t influence. Normalising of hate speech leads to more dangerous situation


@Deepsealioness @noorul @pavi thats a long debate for another day.. we’re free speech extremists here but we’ll bring that up another time :)

@ilr @noorul @pavi no am not for FOE of hate speech. With concentration camps built and citizenship being asked to be proved only for Muslims , I don’t agree with hate speech one bit

@Deepsealioness @noorul @pavi you don’t need to agree with, neither do we. But suppressing it only drives it underground.

@ilr @noorul @pavi I don’t care how underground we go, we are at rock bottom right now, I will NOT enable FOE if it hurts marginalised minorities. Fuck nazis

Oops, what u mean freespeechextremist ?

Abusive and extreme speech r not tolerant among main #fediverse instance.

But there other instance just for this like freextremistspeech or "Gap" instance.

@Deepsealioness @pavi

@noorul @Deepsealioness @pavi we believe in absolute free speech. That does not mean that we endorse hate speech.
But one man’s food is another man’s poison. Don’t forget ppl like kanhaiya got arrested for what the sanghis called "hate speech".

@ilr @noorul @pavi calling for genocide, social economic boycott of marginalised is hate speech. No two ways about it. Talking against that is NOT hate speech

@Deepsealioness @noorul @pavi sure ! Too late to debate further today.. to be continued !

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