If I don't agree, I cannot use the TV that was ALREADY PURCHASED UNDER A DIFFERENT AGREEMENT!
And I just read some of it. I don't agree.
I want my money back. The TV we bought did not have this forced agreement.
That's it! I'm fucking done. My next "TV" is just going to be a monitor. I don't want anymore smarts in what's just being used as a display
This is the stupid trend that the industry is forcing upon us on every shit level.
Wanna drive your car that buy bought? Just accepts this new Privacy Agreement that we forced upon you otherwhise you cant drive
Wanna use your phone? Accept the fact that we will datamine the shit out of you on two weeks
Wanna use your TV? Sure we are going to push updates that changes everything every third month - accept it if you want to watch
How is this fucking legal
@snowracer @selea @hellomiakoda My TV is too old to be smart. Cannot it be used with antenna or hdmi w/o direct connected to internet? Or is that also stopped? Privacy-advocating pod Reality 2.0 has several times talked about TV-sets can be very low price now, but it comes with non-privacy and tracking included in price. I understand that smart cars also have s/w ToC and surely tracking, another scary product where I probably do not will own the thing fully.