New to Mastodon?
Welcome! You've probably heard that hashtags rule on here.
Something to consider: place your hashtags at the END of your post rather than spreading them through your text. This way, they won't interfere with screen readers. For the same reason, Capitalize the first letter of words within the hashtag. Like this:
@saren @madamscientist 1) I do not know. 2) What I do now is that you can in your profile (now I mean not in the text description) relate certain tags. I have done it in my profile. You may need to use web browser for it. I can show screen shots tomorrow. Tell me if of interest.
@hehemrin @madamscientist Thanks for the info. I am using the app, so I think the easiest thing will be for me to just write an introduction post and include a list of hashtags. Thanks again!