GIMP 3.0 is released, check it out!

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who contributed in any way - from testing and submitting bug reports through to designing, coding, fixing, packaging, testing some more, translating, documenting, hosting, administration, so many people, so much work, so much to be thankful for!

Welcome to GIMP 3.0!

@petrillic They’re proud of it. They think they’re bravely fighting the PC police (I tried to find a term as outdated as their software 😆). Srsly, there are so many better alternatives now--I can’t imagine why anyone still uses it.

@mjibrower @petrillic “…3.0 is released!”
Me: *checks* *name is still a slur* not interested.

@tankgrrl @crowbriarhexe @mjibrower @petrillic ah I see. I may live oversea now but English is still my second language. I actually never heard the word gimp being used in other context other than the software.

@kkavee @tankgrrl @crowbriarhexe @mjibrower @petrillic yup, most people have stopped using ableist slurs, but [edit: a sizeable fraction of] the maintainers of this project take pride in it for some reason

@jackeric @kkavee @tankgrrl @crowbriarhexe @mjibrower @petrillic Do they? 🤔
I would think it raised a chuckle once 26 years ago and now it's kept for historic reasons. I thought I find something on the Wikipedia-article about this controversy but there is nothing. Do you have a source please?



@golemwire @0xDEADBEEF @ewerybody @kkavee @tankgrrl @crowbriarhexe @mjibrower @petrillic
Nothing about the name of the software insults disabled people except the literal exact name of the software. you folks are pathetic 🙃


@golemwire The harmless meaning of the project's name is too fringe to matter. I'm saying you're being oversensitive to the criticism of the project's name.

It's possible that from where you come from, the project's name is not used as an insult. From where I'm from, it is used as a slur to attack disabled people. Sorry if it happens to offend you, really, but FOSS politics is a little unhinged so what do I expect...

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