I'll be at @capitoledulibre all weekend as a regular visitor. I am not giving a talk or workshop this year: it was a personal decision to make room for others. But if you see me at someone else's conference, I'll be happy to sign your Pepper&Carrot books while we listen .
I'm curious, who will be there?
@davidrevoy @capitoledulibre I won't be there this year. I have a conflicting family event that got my preference Have some fun there!
@francois Oh, sad, and good luck with your family event.
Do you know if Purism will have a booth? (I guess no, without you, but who knows) I'm curious testing the 11 inch pad. ^ ^
@davidrevoy @capitoledulibre No, sorry, we are not enough French people at Purism, so without me there will be no booth this year. You are welcome to visit me to test the Librem 11 though! ;)
@davidrevoy I am near Marmande. Just contact me through Matrix to follow up!
@davidrevoy OK! Ca marche! Bon week end à toi et à bientôt!
@francois Ok, j'étais dans la bonne direction, mais pas assez loin

Ok, je guarde ça dans un coin de ma tête, ça peut-être chouette de te rendre visite (après la nouvelle année) et de tourner un test de la librem11. Si j'ai la motiv, je te préviendrai bien bien en avance et via Matrix. A +