When editing text to insert in #LibreOffice, I often need two features:

* removing line returns
* converting straight quotes to curly quotes

Not many plain text editors do this. TextEdit did, then it became #BBEdit.

After umpteen tries, I gave up on the latter feature in LibreOffice. Nothing worked. I never found the first feature, either.

Are there any other plain-text editors that do these two features? (Just in case BBEdit takes these features away and stuffs them in the pro edition.)

#plaintext #texteditors #features


Most markdown to html convertors automatically turn straight quotes into curly quotes.
The text editor atom (annoyingly) by default removes trailing blank lines (and trailing line spaces) on save.

Sorry I missed seeing your comment earlier.
BBEdit has the option to remove trailing lines and spaces, I believe, so it probably doesn't do that automatically.

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