"Germany blocks first-ever sanctions on Russian gas – POLITICOc


EU countries had been close to a deal targeting liquefied natural gas, but talks fell apart at the last minute.

Ah, Germany energy politics, what a massive economic, ecological and geopolical success. The gift that keep giving.


@fanf42 wait, what? The EU is helping Russia make money from gas, at the same time as the same EU is supplying weapons to Ukraine?

This does not make any sense, it looks like the EU is supporting both sides in the war. What am I missing?

@eliasr Germany is highly dependent on gas. That dependency was likely built in part by decades of corruption of top gov politicians by Russia, up to the point where Gerhard Schröder, the past chancellor of early 00s, is now living in Moscow, payed by gazprom.
Thag lead to absolutely fucked uped decision, like the construction of north stream 1 and 2 (think at these gazoduc like perfusion of morphin) or the stopping of there nuclear power plant (helped by the greens, in the best case the useful idiots of the story).
So now, Germany use mostly gas and coal, lots of coal in addition to renewable (but not enough of thel, and with their usual problems). Using coal is starting to have bad press and too big a dissonance for the "green energy Germany". So gas is extremely, extremely important. More so than Germany economy is highly directed by its industries, which are highly dependent on energy prize, which jumped since the start of the war.
German politicianw, even if the current cohort is not directly corrupted by Russian money, are in a difficult position (for them). Current chancellor needed a lot of pressure to act against Russia, for Ukraine, but gas remains a line too far.

And yes, all that set up lead to such situation.
But the dependency on Russian gas is gradually diminishing, and pressure on Germany on that point rising. Not far from a tiping point. But not yet.

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