@Fury @aral There's a huge table of search engines, all compared by tracking, organizational type (for-profit, non-profit, collective, hobby, personal), jurisdiction (US, countries in Europe, etc.), various safety ratings, and technical features at searchengine.party/

All of these can be added to a browser as a default search engine too, but it's a little convoluted. (The gist: Visit the site, right click on the URL bar, add it. Look in browser settings under search and set it as default.)



> searchengine.party/

Nice! However that does not seem to show which ones have their own index, that's a very important piece of information in my opinion. For example has its own independent index, while DuckDuckGo does not (it uses Bing), but that difference is not seen in the list.

@Fury @aral @Mojeek


I mostly became aware of the list when my most recent hobby project, https://clew.se/, got added to it. ;)

@amin @eliasr when it comes to search this is the best list of its kind, well researched and laid out, updated (QED) regularly, a true gem

@Mojeek @eliasr

Yeah, it's really well-done.

Unfortunately my suspicion is the wave of spam search requests from a botnet I'm getting discovered my tiny engine through this list. :(

@Mojeek @eliasr

I’m still very happy this list exists, though. Spam I can deal with. ;)

@Mojeek @eliasr

That’s how I’m choosing to interpret it, yes. ;D

My current best guess is that their goal is to use my engine as a proxy of sorts to scrape for sites with login and comment forms that they can use a subsequent attack on. Still working on some measures to try and prevent that kind of exploitation.

@amin @eliasr it's a weird one, sometimes it looks like that, sometimes you just get pages that are being spammed (non search) for no reason whatsoever

@Mojeek @eliasr
Sounds like we’re getting the same spam wave. :P

My guess is those other searches are meant to help the overall scrape fly under the radar.

@Mojeek @amin so you answer this one, but ignore the message from your site claiming I'm a person that "would be seriously improved by death".. hmmm...

@sotolf @amin will raise that tomorrow, day with few people in today and need to chase up the thread properly

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