Google announced client-side scanning for Android. I don't think there's any point in calling it otherwise, or discussing the alleged "usefulness" of this technical implementation.

#CSS #ClientSideScanning

@Mer__edith very aptly reminded, in her reaction, that the AI-powered scanning is proprietary and it's within Google's discretion what type of communication is flagged as problematic. Scams, today. What next? Reproductive rights? Labour organizing?

@catileptic @Mer__edith Their "best of breed" email filters already default to blocking any political content to which I've subscribed.


@gooba42 @catileptic @Mer__edith This hightlights again why everyone should stop using closed operating systems controlled by Google/Apple. To have security and privacy we need to use operating systems where the user has control, such as GNU-like systems.

Don't fall for the myth that "we have no choice", "nothing can be done".

You have a choice, there are fully libre operating systems that you can choose to use. Don't let Google/Apple own you.

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