Please stop the proposal on mass surveillance of the EU, the proposal called "chat control 2".
It is a really, really, very, very, bad idea.
See also: "European Commission must uphold privacy, security and free expression by withdrawing new law, say civil society":
Please think about what you are doing, you are causing a lot of damage to our free societies by proposing something like this. Please stop and think.
For EU supporters it is even more important to stop this. And if we are to believe in EU as some kind of a democratic body it must be possible to stop it.
People outside of the EU may laugh at this, they may find it funny that EU countries are making fools out of themselves. But for us within the EU, this is very serious.
Infringing on fundamental rights like this is would be a reason to leave the EU. I want to live in a free society respecting human rights.