Drive up the company stock by doing layoffs then when investors get spooked by your now understaffed, deeply unstable company and they flee try to fix it with more layoffs!

A plan that could only come from the most brilliant minds!


@futurebird the only company that I know that are doing layoffs is Intel, but they are also canceling some of their more speculative investments. What's the point in keeping around people working on projects you have decided you can't afford?

· Librem Social · 2 · 0 · 0


There are rumblings. Everyone is over-reacting to literally just one day of "number not go up"

This is making those people say that "capitalism requires a madness that is infinite growth" seem...kind of reasonable.

@futurebird sure, but it's the media storm that's weird. The market does this kinda thing every quarter, it will back to normal in a couple of weeks. I also remember Bungie, they were literally lying about their prospect and pissed the crap out of Sony.

On the topic of growth it's made up, wealth is a legal fiction. By definition economic activity leads to more wealth, other wise it's not wealth. Wealth is the product of humans interacting.

@ekg @futurebird
I don't think the media storm is that weird (inexplicable, I mean) in this case.

They need to constantly inject drama, especially in the political season. And now that inflation is old news, a stock market drop helps spice things up and sell the idea that "Biden’s economy" is not the essence of perfection (please ignore the fact things fell much more significantly under Trump's presidency).

Any controversy or bad news they can drum up to get more clicks.

@PTR_K @futurebird oh, I want the media storm to be "weird". It's prescriptive rather then descriptive. I want this media storm to be weird, so therefore I call it weird.

@PTR_K @ekg

LOL all the buy orders waiting for price drops came in and it went right back up.

@futurebird @PTR_K stocks are like groceries, always someone looking for a deal.

@futurebird I have about half my savings in stocks, whenever the market is like this I take a pause in my trading. Otherwise I am a fairly active trader, but their exist no pattern to panic.

@ekg @futurebird This post probably references the tens of thousands of workers who were laid off from several large tech companies all announced within a couple weeks last fall.

@hypolite @futurebird oh, after the pandemic bump? That was a function of companies over hiring, they didn't know what would happen so they hired as many as they could and right sized later. The cost of such behaviour is brain drain, but apparently they decided it was worth losing the best and brights not to lose out to their competition.

@ekg @futurebird There’s nothing right about “right-sizing” but I’m glad you can rationalize it. You’re right about the outcome, of course, but I prefer to see this oddly coordinated layoffs wave across an entire industry notwithstanding revenue nor profits as a way to lower labor costs amid improving worker condition through remote work and unionizing efforts.

@hypolite I didn't mean to imply that it existed anything "right" about it, I merely used the term that company leadership use. Arguably I should have put it in quotes to demonstrate it's not a term of my own.

Words have different meaning in different context, I often struggle to pick up on implied under tone.

@ekg Thank you, I wasn't exactly sure where you stood but I was hoping it would be this kind of light misunderstanding. 😊
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