We're starting a sprint to look at all the issues preventing #ReproducibleBuilds in all the apps we ship. Most of the issues are simple fixes in the upstream code, like unsorted outputs or timestamps included in the build.
You can help make the #FreeSoftware #Android ecosystem be more reproducible! See the failures here and help us report them upstream: https://verification.f-droid.org/failed.html
@cnx @fdroidorg @captainepoch @husky All our rebuilds of Husky from v1.4.0 til v1.5.3 have been reproducible, so most likely, the newer ones still are. We'll see for sure once our rebuilders catch up with the backlog.
@captainepoch @cnx @fdroidorg @husky hehe you're welcome. That's perfect! If we focus on fixing things upstream as much as possible, many apps will just automatically become #ReproducibleBuilds without the devs even being aware. Your message made me feel like we're on the right track, thanks!