Just because is bad and his invasion of horrendous does not automatically make the powers that be in Ukraine good. There are some very sketchy elements in the government in Ukraine, for example , spiegel.de/international/inves

@eighthave if they blew up the nord stream, how is that not a legitimate target?

It earned Russia many millions per day to fund attacking Ukraine


@EyalL I'd say it is pretty clear that attacking civilian infrastructure many hundreds of kilometers away from the war is not legal. You might try asking Germany how they feel about it. And if you think this attack was legal, then Russia's attacks putting Ukrainians in the dark would also be legal. That's a terrible precedent to set.

And as a resident of this overheating planet, I'm disgusted by the largest release of methane ever newscientist.com/article/23420

@eighthave this attack did not put anyone in the dark. It made Russia and Germany lose economically.

Of course it's legitimate.

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