@cryptax Is the malware using accessibility tweaks to read SMS/email/etc 2FA codes? Or can it also read 2FA codes from OTP apps like Aegis Authenticator, andOTP, or Google Authenticator? I meant that OTP apps could maybe have a setting to enable blocking the accessibility methods for reading.
@eighthave yes they're using accessibility to read 2fa, often from known apps like Google authenticator, or just SMS.
@eighthave difficult to "block accessibility" because people with handicaps legitimately need it...
@cryptax right I get that. I'm thinking that a security-sensitive app like Aegis could have a setting to let the user disable the accessibility stuff.
@eighthave I'll give it a try (on an emulator ;P) but I don't think the screenshot will show anything particular to detect the first screen is not the real banking app.