I know this will lead to a heated debate, but I have to agree with @Gargron.

Having to pick an instance/server is cited as the biggest hurdle to joining Mastodon, and dismissing people who feel this way is just plain rude.

Yes, the registration flow for Mastodon should be user-friendly. And yes, we need to live up to the promises of decentralized social media. We just need to get creative about our approach.

#mastodon #fediverse #SocialMedia #decentralization



@stefan @Gargron I've worked on systems for many years now, including clients, , , and @fdroidorg and I think the new client onboarding experience is a good idea. But it also means there is a new slippery slope towards centralization, and it needs to be heeded and monitored to make sure it doesn't do more harm than good. The good news is that there are multiple, good clients, so that helps quite a bit.

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