I recently stumbled upon the history of the Nazi promotion of automobiles. It turns out the Nazis loved cars, built the Autobahns, created VW, and promoted cars in general. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.7227/TJTH.27.2.5 Henry Ford was also a huge fan of the Nazis and vice versa https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/henryford-antisemitism/ Italy's autostrade were built under Mussolini. Seems to be a lot of corrolation between fascism and promoting cars
@Ajz @eighthave Henry Ford is also where the 40hr work week came from, iirc. So I'm glad to hear that I can link the next boss who demands 40 hrs/wk to Hitler in some way.