why is it so hard to find an ISP in Warsaw that can do both static IPv4 and IPv6 without the other party being a business

like, half the silly smaller ISPs like ebox.pl ( AS203356 ) or techgroup.pl ( AS201990 ) don't even have an IPv6 prefix. at all.

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meanwhile, Citystrada's website looks incredibly unserious when it comes to ISPs, but it doesn't matter because they only work with businesses, and for 199 PLN per month ( which is at least twice as much as any other ISP )

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@ptrc ibn Poland IPv6 is that weird niche thing that is completely unnecessary and weird and why would you do it nobody is using it anyways come on just do one more layer of NAT bro you won't regret CG-NAT mate

@rail_ i miss orange where IPv6 would just break their VoIP but at least work


@ptrc @rail_ ...and force your IPv4 address to be behind CGNAT.

@dos @ptrc only with their provided hardware but yeah effectively yes

@dos @ptrc @rail_ is orange keeping you in cgnat? i thought they give one public ip to modem they provide... then you can do port forwarding (inb4 i know it's not ideal, but anyway it works

@sdr-li @dos @ptrc not with ipv4

when you enable ipv6 (which is opt-in in their fixed broadband network) on their hardware you will be limited to Dual-Stack lite

but that can be easily fixed by switching to your own hardware which i described in polish


@sdr-li @rail_ @ptrc You can get a public IPv4 address, but only when you set up a IPv4-only PPPoE session.

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