Interim Survey for a #LinuxMobile FOSDEM talk (, also for #UbuntuTouch and #SailfishOS users
Please reply:
1. What's your favorite app?
2. Do you use more than one UI framework?
3. Do you use Waydroid (or another way to run Android apps)?
4. What apps do you miss? (Do they keep you from daily driving?)
5. Which #MobileLinux distro/OS do you use?
6. Should we add more questions and what would be your answer?
1. Not sure what "favorite app" is supposed to mean, these are tools that let me do various things. I don't have a "favorite tool" in general either, at least not without additional qualifiers.
2. Yes, but mostly GTK.
3. Yes, for banking app.
4. Banking app. Maybe some local transit ticket stuff could be handy too. No.
5. PureOS.
6. Perhaps 😁
@Idcrafter @linuxphoneapps Well and fast? :P
Seriously though, I can only speak for one app - my bank's, which complains about "rooted device" in its security overview screen, but doesn't actually block anything. I'm only using it for mobile one-time-token payments (Blik) anyway, as anything else is available through web browser.