For practical reasons, photos that you #ShotOnLibrem5 are processed into JPEGs with lower quality than what the camera can do. There are some (complex) ways in which this processing could be made faster and therefore cram more pixels and algorithms that make things prettier, but meanwhile...
Each photo you take is stored as both raw DNG and processed JPG - so you can go back to raw data and retroactively gain quality. See for an example.
The same applies for videos too (which are even lower res).
I found this out when I recorded videos of > 10 min and #millipixels crashed when I ran out of disk space.
Turned out (I never really looked into this previously) that it will just dump all the DNGs to /tmp/ and this will get cleaned up after encoding into a movie is done.
Having it crashed allowed me to rsync the files to my laptop where it is waiting for me to produce what I hope to be high quality video!
@devrtz ooooh when it comes to videos there's *much* more low hanging fruits to optimize there!