Be a Petal Hero! My game for #cccamp23 badge is finally starting to become playable 😁 #flow3r #flow3rbadge #gamedev #fretsonfire
@dos That looks great! Also, great idea!
Also, does the hashtag #fretsonfire mean that you just use FoF maps? (got a whole collection of those ^^)
(But why is my first thought "the bars should move outwards instead of inwards"?)
@anathem I wondered how they should move too and in fact implemented it outwards at first, but it was really hard to play. Turns out it's much easier when you can just focus your eyes in a single place 👀
And yes, it's using FoF songs (you have to mix audio tracks into a single MP3 first, but it's a sox oneliner). In fact it uses map reading code ripped straight from FoF, 2to3'd with minor tweaks to make it micropython-friendly 😂
@dos Ooooooooh, NICE!
@anathem > got a whole collection of those
You may want to set it free! I'm trying to find some more songs to test it with, but the situation is quite dire. There used to be so many songs on the Internet, but these days it's just a mess full of dead links; seems I have to dig my old hard drives out 😭 #fretsonfire
@dos didn’t think I’d see Frets on Fire again 🥰
@dos It's really fascinatiing how the flow3r introduces complete new game concepts wich just cannot be ported to different devices with a "normal" amount of buttons.
@dos fairly impressive
I'm getting good! #flow3r